The public is hereby informed that registration for Semester II 2023 for the “C” Certificate, Associate of Arts and the bachelor degree programs of the LICOSESS College of Education runs from May 1-27, 2023 for all old and new students. LICOSESS is accredited to offer degrees in Primary Education, Early Childhood Education, School Administration and Secondary Education, with emphasis in English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, amongst other education disciplines.
Admission criteria for BSC level include:
· An Associate of Arts Degree from LICOSESS or other accredited Associate of Arts degree granting institutions
· Completion of up to 60 credits from a recognized University
· Payment of 20.00USD for Admission Package
· Submission of admission documents including: Copies of Associate Degree, transcript or valid grade sheet from previous University or college,
Admission Criteria for the “C” Certificate and Associate of Arts Degree include:
· High school WAEC/WASSCE Certificate, transcript and Diploma
· Payment 0f 2500.00ld for entrance exams
Orientation is slated for Saturday May 27, 2023, beginning at 11:30Am on the Zinnah Hill Campus in GSA Road. Classes for semester II will commence on Friday, June 2, 2023.
School proprietors and principals are informed that there exist a “special assistance program” whereby schools can enter into a distinctive arrangement that allows the fees for each of their teachers to be reduced along with an agreeable payment plan suitable to both parties.
Meanwhile, due to several holidays experienced over the last month, vacation school for the BSC program is extended to May 13, 2023. Grade submission deadline is May 15-20, 2023 while distribution of grade sheet will take place between May 26-27.
For details, kindly call 0775222452/0777639944/ 0886719407/ and 0775717210. Better still, visit for details.
Signed _____________________________
The Administration