About LICOSESS Demonstration School

It is generally recognized that the training of in-service and pre-service teachers is the primary purpose of the Liberian Cooperative Standard Education School System AKA LICOSESS Teacher Training College since its incorporation on May 10, 1995 as an educational entity to prepare teachers for C, B and AA Certificates. The usual normal school course of two years is entirely inadequate to give incoming teachers a firm foundation in subject-matter and technique and skill in handling children and in organizing material in accordance with correct psychological principles. In many normal teacher training institutes, the actual apprenticeship course is brief and often conducted under conditions which are so dissimilar to the conditions which the new teacher meets when they enter the actual field of teaching. Thus, the LICOSESS Demonstration School was established on March 3, 2015 to fill in this gap. Our vision at LDS is to empower students to acquire, demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge and skills that will support them, as life-long learners, to participate in and contribute to the global world and practice the core values of the school: freedom, respect, & inclusion, and excellence. LDS currently runs fron ABC to 11th grade and offers skills in tailoring and computer to its students. LDS is Located in the Kissi Camp and Zinnah Hill Communities, GSA road Paynesville. 0880313898/0775717210/0777639944.

LICOSESS Demonstration School Information Sheet 2021

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