Office of The President

Dr. Benjamin Y. Wehye, Sr. D.B (h.c) Ph.D.c

Congratulations, Class of 2022/2023

I welcome you all to the Microcosm of Teacher Education in Liberia-LICOSESS! Let us all acknowledge our Creator’s infinite Grace and Mercy which brought us this far. On behalf of the entire LICOSESS Family, we are proud to honor your achievements today. We call this celebration a “commencement” because the word means “a beginning or start.” This celebration marks the end of one path, and the start of lifelong opportunities for adventure and success. We pray that you choose your next adventure in our bachelor degree program. Congratulations!

Seeing graduates, parents and staff here today is a testament to the achievements of the graduates and the love and support they have received over the years.

Dear graduates, each one of you holds the pen to write your generation’s future. While it is true that there may be difficulties and uncertainties along the way, far more opportunities will arise. Although some failures in life are inevitable, dreams serve as a yardstick as it uncovers your willpower.

I know this has been an extraordinary chapter in the story of LICOSESS and of our nation, and I am so impressed with the ways the Class of 2022 has raised to the challenges posed by a global pandemic and economic hardship. In times of uncertainty and turmoil, remember that your education has prepared you to take on the world. As you stride confidently into the future, I hope you will take strength from all that you have accomplished in the face of the unprecedented, and all that our institution has given you.

Bear in mind to be true to who you really are. Learn lessons from the mistakes and failures of the past. Always strive to be at peace with yourself because only then you will find true happiness. You do not need a magic wand to change the world. You have within you the power to make a change, to make a difference, to make the world a better place for your generation and the generations to come.

It takes a great deal of courage to surrender and to face something that we fear, but you must remember that you won’t be a part of this ceremony if your teachers deemed that you are still unprepared to face the challenges of reality. Failures will be inevitable, but is what you do during those valleys that will determine the heights of you peaks. It is through these challenges that you will be able to make use of what you learned from this University. Other than that, you have untold strengths and resources that you will soon discover as you come face to face with your life’s battles. From these battles that you may win or lose, you shall discover your glorious self.

Now is the time to take charge of your life and future. Be relevant and decide what really matters to you. I expect you, my dear graduates, to embrace a culture of excellence, morality, integrity, harmony, and love of work.

We are not bestowed with the power to predict what will happen in the future. However, we should always remember that what we will become in the future lies not on fate but on the decisions that we make.

Always remember that you have a home here at LICOSESS. You are part of this family.

Good luck to all the Graduates and Congratulations.

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