The LICOSESS College of Education is set to officially introduce the Braille Education Course in its Teacher Training Program.

The LICOSESS College of Education is set to officially introduce the Braille Education Course in its Teacher Training Program. The official launch of the Braille education programme will take place at the 23rd Commencement Convocation for about 350 teacher-students at the Liberty Chapel in Johnsonville. This will see the turnover of over 100 slates and styluses, a Braille Embosser, a desktop computer and several cartoons of Braille papers. During the new semester which begins February 7, 2023. Braille will be offered at 101 and 102 levels, targeting 50 teachers and administrators who will be trained on the fundamentals of reading and writing using Braille. The long-term goal of this training is to equip Liberian schools and teachers to support students with visual impairment in inclusive environments. The project is being sponsored by the USAID Transforming the Education System for Teachers and Students in Liberia (TESTS) Activity, with technical support from Inclusive Development Partners.

The President of LICOSESS College of Education Dr. Benjamin Wehye will sit with Hayley Niad, Program Manager, Inclusive Development Partners, Ricardia Badio Dennis, Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) Manager, TESTS, and Wilfred Gewon, Braille course lecturer between 8:20 to 9am on Truth Breakfast Show on Thursday, January 26, 2023.

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