Credentials Update Announcement; others

Subject:   Credentials Update Announcement; others

From:        LICOSESS Teacher Training College

To:      All Alumni, Teacher Employers, Government Stakeholders, etc.

Date: June 16, 2022

Early this Year, the LICOSESS Teacher Training College was officially elevated to a complete baccalaureate degree-granting institution by the NCHE. Beginning July of this year, the institution will begin a full regular semester for candidates registered for Bachelor’s Degrees in School Administration, Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, and Secondary Education (Emphasis in Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, English, etc.). The institution is also the only Private College of Education amongst 8 Universities to be selected by USAID for the training of 3500 teachers in the areas of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education over the next 4 years. USAID will pay full tuition and fees for all selected LICOSESS students, donate a tablet, and give a monthly allowance to beneficiaries. This programme is expected to begin in September of this year and beneficiaries are most likely selected from among current students (Full details will be out shortly).

In the wake of these groundbreaking developments, coupled with multiple requests from our partners to update the college’s 1997-2014 Degrees and certificates, the update process began on June 1, 2022, and will end on December 31, 2022. Although the institution’s website ( ) carries all the legitimate alumni, reports are still alarming about the duplication and falsification of LICOSESS’s credentials. The falsification is with credentials within the period mentioned. Hence, this process is meant to identify legitimate graduates during the period so as to receive more secure credentials with features for easy fraud detection.

The institution is closely working with a cross-section of CEOs and DEOs as well as school systems to carry out this profession-saving-venture intended to identify fraudsters in your schools and we look forward to your cooperation.

Document Updating Process…

No matter where the candidate is, the process can be carried out seamlessly without visiting our central campus in GSA Road Paynesville as follows:
1. Take a photo of your degree or certificate

2. WhatsApp the photo to 0881981876

3. Sent $5.00 USD or $800.00LD through Mobile money to 0886088440 (Liberian Cooperative Standard Education School System-LICOSESS)…… you can appeal directly to Dr. Wehye if the full amount here is your only hindrance

4. Send a message or call with your full name, amount sent, date, and transaction ID to 0881981876

5. Upon verifying, a scanned copy of your updated credentials will be mailed or WhatsApp to you within 3 working days, and you will pick up the original in your county within a month or take delivery from central campus.

6. You can avoid the above steps by just visiting the Central Campus with your credentials.

In view of the above, LICOSESS requests all school systems across Liberia to kindly request those claiming to have graduated from LICOSESS between 1997-2014 to kindly observe this process. There should be no excuse as those who lost their certificates and can provide proof of graduation will also receive updated credentials for only 10usd.

Meanwhile, a one-year financial aid is available for candidates wishing to take advantage of our BSC programs. Imagine paying only 56 usd for registration and fees within your first month of admission (July 1-30) followed by 56 usd for the next three months of the semester for up to 18 credits!!!! For more information call 0777639944/0775222452 or get Dr. Benjamin Wehye Directly on any other issue at 0775717210/0880313898

Kindly see attached SAMPLES OF OLD AND UPDATED DEGREES. Kindly compare the updated certificates to the ones you have received from teachers between 2016-2021…. Thanks

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